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Flipped Classroom Activity: Top 6 for Training Kids

by | Jul 1, 2022

Last Updated On: September 18, 2023

Are you seeking innovative educational models that evoke excitement from learners? If so, let’s dive into this article to know more about the top 6 suggested flipped classroom activity list for a more lively and appealing lesson.

flipped classroom activities for kids

Image by Pizieno from Pixabay 

How to come up with interesting flipped classroom activities to make the most use of your lesson? If you are a teacher and are stuck at this step, here are the top 6 best-suggested activities for your flipped learning and teaching method to work smoothly.

#1: Pair – Group – Class Discussion in Flipped Classroom

#2: Quizzes and Games in Flipped Classroom

#3: Teacher – Student Flipped Role Play 

#4: Field Trip in Reality and in Classroom

#5: Station Learning in Flipped Classroom

#6: Debate in Class

What Is a Flipped Classroom Model?

Before exploring the 6 attractive activities to liven up your lesson, do you really understand what a flipped classroom is? Basically, it is a model of blended learning, known as a typical classroom of reversing the giving and receiving of knowledge. Before this class, children are required to learn the lesson content at home using the materials the teachers have prepared in advance. Then, what kids should do in class is to practice the knowledge they have acquired actively and creatively. This also means teachers’ roles will change from purely teaching to guiding, supervising and accompanying. 

You might wonder what benefits a flipped classroom brings back. The answer is simple. It’s flexible, time-saving and efficient. In this model, students must first be active and responsible for learning knowledge before classes. They have to combine active and personalized learning skills to understand information from given materials at their own speed. Then, both teachers and learners can save time in classes for other helpful activities to dig deeper into solving practical problems rather than theoretical ones. This also makes the educational process more realistic, comprehensive and fascinating, especially for curious kids, who always enjoy fun activities.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s note down 6 flipped classroom activities below and put them into practice right away!

#1: Pair – Group – Class Discussion in Flipped Classroom

The first suggested flipped classroom activity is an old yet still effective method, discussion. Thinking, discussing and solving problems in a group of more than two will help the kids see issues from different angles. The answer to the problem is not always in books or theories, but might show up during the process of analyzing it. 

pair - group - classroom discussion

Source: Pixabay 

For example, you can show the kids a video on YouTube or TED talks related to the lesson’s subject. Then, let the children freely speak and show what they think. There might be no ultimate right or wrong answer. What’s more important is that teachers should guide them on how to process information and analyze it. 

#2: Quizzes and Games in Flipped Classroom

Quizzes and games are another suggestion that your flipped classroom lesson plan should include. Why so? Because kids always enjoy fun activities. That also explains why gamification has become a familiar factor in general education these days.

Click Start and try playing the Crossword below to see how much you remember the fruit vocabulary

Fruit Name Crossword sample by ActivePresenter

Forget about the lengthy lecture with tons of information. Try turning your class into a quiz contest, solving a game, along with attractive gifts for the winning kids. This will definitely boost the children’s learning spirit and help them remember knowledge longer, especially with wrong answers. Why don’t you check out the 5 best quiz makers and this storage of game samples to more easily design your own flipped classroom?

#3: Teacher – Student Flipped Role Play 

This model might sound not too new but not too old when teachers prepare for their flipped classroom activities. Role play here means teachers and students exchange roles for each other. Students can give lectures or show anything they have learned at home in forms of presentation, drama or else. The condition is to highlight the subject of the lesson. Meanwhile, teachers will play the role of the audience or the learners, who are eager and curious to ask questions. This role-play method not only strengthens the knowledge base for young children but also helps them perfect soft skills such as presentation, analysis, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

teacher - student role play

Image by Yan Krukov from Pexels

#4: Field Trip in Reality and in Classroom

This flipped classroom activity is never outdated. Rather than reading books only and trying to visualize things in the head, children can have a chance to take a closer look at the living things with their own eyes. The fact is that our brain is more receptive to sound and image. Therefore, such realistic experiences will enhance the brain training process for the kids.

However, if for objective reasons you cannot organize these trips, you can completely create your own online field trips. Try designing a virtual classroom that combines both the field trip experience and basic knowledge background. This may take time at first, but the final result pays off. And don’t worry about how to do it. There is always a powerful tool like ActivePresenter to make education and eLearning easier and more appealing than ever!

Why don’t you let your students “explore” the zoo below by clicking at each animal and guessing its name?

Learn Animal Names sample by ActivePresenter

#5: Station Learning in Flipped Classroom

If you are a primary teacher not knowing what to do with the kids in your flipped lesson plan, station learning is definitely a good choice. You might wonder what the term “station learning” is. Basically, stations are centers placed around the classroom with specifically different activities. Students need to move around these stations and join each of them to fulfill the final goal of the lesson. Each station can be in any theme, for example, language, science, math, art or communication. It depends on the teachers’ target and lesson plan. 

learning stations in classroom

Image by Yan Krukov from Pexels

What benefits does this activity bring back? Undoubtedly, it’s the variety but still expertise in the classroom. Students can learn about many unifying topics, and in this process, also find their interests and strengths to dig deeper into it. This means that the role of the teacher as an observer and guide is even more difficult to grasp the overall situation. But of course, the more challenging, the more deserving!

#6: Debate in Class

This flipped classroom activity should be applied to higher grades when students have developed cognitive skills to some extent. Getting kids to defend their side but still think of the possible rebuttal arguments from the opposite helps them understand an issue more comprehensively. The purpose of this activity is not to figure out who is right or wrong. It is to find a logical conclusion for an opinion. Through these debates, the children’s logical thinking will be sharper, more responsive, accompanied by an improvement in soft skills such as presentation, problem solving or reasoning.

students' debate in class

Source: Pixabay

Final Thought

In conclusion, there are various flipped classroom activities that teachers can come up with to renew their lectures. However, the most important thing to remember is to prepare and plan everything in advance. Then, you will experience a lively classroom spirit and see how much your students might love studying.

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