Tutorials & Tips about Screencasting, HTML5 animation creation & Rapid eLearning authoring
We write tutorials, guides and tips about screencasting, video editing, rapid HTML5 elearning authoring and HTML5 animation creation.
Export Projects to Video Formats in Saola Animate 3
While HTML5 output gives you the ability to interact with the content, the video format is great for demonstration purposes since it doesn’t require user’s interactions. Today’s tutorial will show you how to export projects to video formats, which is a very new feature offered in Saola Animate 3.
Add Video Elements in Saola Animate 3
Adding video elements is an essential part when you want to create engaging HTML5 documents. Let’s take a look at this tutorial to know how.
Adjust, Move, Copy, and Remove Keyframes
Animation keyframes play an important role in creating HTML5 animation in Saola Animate. In the previous tutorial, you’ve learned 3 ways to add animation keyframes. This tutorial will show you how to adjust, move, copy, and remove animation keyframes.
Create Color Patterns Game in ActivePresenter
Color Patterns Game is an engaging activity that helps kids to practice identifying patterns and colors in a fun way. Through this game, kids learn how to make predictions and see relationships between abstract concepts. In this blog post, let’s learn how to create this amusing game in ActivePresenter 8.
Add HTML Widgets in Saola Animate 3
Saola Animate 3 supports adding HTML Widgets with URLs, HTML resources, HTML packages, SVG images, and lines of code. Let’s explore now.
Create Sprite Sheet Animations with Saola Animate 3
In this tutorial, we’ll talk about what a sprite sheet animation is and how to create it in Saola Animate 3 – a powerful yet simple HTML5 animation tool.
Create Text Animations in Saola Animate 3
Let’s bring your content to life with text animations in Saola Animate 3. This tutorial will give you useful information about that.
Add Shape Elements in Saola Animate 3
Basically, shape elements are two-dimensional blocks surrounded by an outline. You can make use of shapes to create engaging HTML5 animations and interactive content. Once you become skillful in shapes, you can do so much more. So, let’s explore how to insert shapes in Saola Animate 3 through today’s tutorial.
Add Image Elements in Saola Animate 3
Saola Animate lets you add six image formats to a project. Supported formats include JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, SVG, and GIF. It means that you can use both static and animated images as well as both raster and vector files. For the vector image format, it’s also possible to use predefined shapes or draw freeform ones.