Tutorials & Tips about Screencasting, HTML5 animation creation & Rapid eLearning authoring

We write tutorials, guides and tips about screencasting, video editing, rapid HTML5 elearning authoring and HTML5 animation creation.

Essential Elements of an Effective eLearning Course

Essential Elements of an Effective eLearning Course

Every eLearning course has its own content as well as design methodology. However, such courses have one thing in common: using some of the most essential eLearning elements such as Interactivity, Scenario and Navigation to impart knowledge and enhance learners’ learning capacity. Read on to find out the reasons why they are adopted in so many eLearning modules nowadays.

Working with Scenes

Think of scenes as slides in Microsoft PowerPoint. Scenes are helpful in separating content and controlling the flow of animations. This tutorial shows you how to work with scenes.

Using the Effects Tab

The Effects tab contains sections: shadow, filter and clip effects. Each of them shows a great support for designing but easy to use. Learn how to use these effects to boost your design in this tutorial.

Grouping Elements

Grouping multiple elements into a single one allows you to streamline your editing and speed up your work. Learn how to group elements and work with group in Saola Animate in this tutorial.

Ordering Elements

In Saola Animate, you can arrange the elements in many ways to create precise and professional-looking scenes. Today’s tutorial shows you how to order elements.

Characteristics of a Good Question in eLearning

Characteristics of a Good Question in eLearning

When it comes to eLearning course design, a good question can help educators not only attract learner’s attention but also measure learner’s understanding after enrolling in a course. In this article, you will learn about five important characteristics of a good question to create a highly-effective test or quiz for your eLearning courses.