Tutorials & Tips about Screencasting, HTML5 animation creation & Rapid eLearning authoring

We write tutorials, guides and tips about screencasting, video editing, rapid HTML5 elearning authoring and HTML5 animation creation.

eLearning Resources to Boost Kid’s Engagement

eLearning Resources to Boost Kid’s Engagement

Have you ever felt absolutely helpless seeing your kids indulge themselves with smartphones, computers, Ipads, game equipment, or other similar digital devices? If you are struggling to deal with this situation, let’s read this article to explore three eLearning resources, which helps you utilize these digital equipment for educational purposes.

Using 3D Transformation Tools

Besides 3D transformation properties, there are other tools that also very useful for adjusting 3D transformation. In this tutorial, we will learn more about these tools and how to use them.

3D Transformation Guide with Saola Animate

Saola Animate provides a feature called 3D transformation to make a more realistic animation. Elements in Saola Animate are still 2D elements, but with 3D transformation properties, we can transform them in three dimensions. Learn more about this useful feature in this tutorial.

Blended Learning and How it Redefines Teachers’ Roles

Blended Learning and How it Redefines Teachers’ Roles

“Blended learning, “hybrid learning”, “mixed learning, “technology-mediated instruction”, “integrative learning”, or “flipped classroom” – whatever one chooses to call it, the combination of offline and online learning in a way that one complimenting the other is a big learning trend that is going to grow.

Embedding System Fonts

Saola Animate makes system fonts available to use. Read to know how to embed system fonts in Saola Animate to maintain consistent text appearance no matter the font installation on viewers’ computer.