How to Use Preset Background Styles in ActivePresenter 9

How to Use Preset Background Styles in ActivePresenter 9

Every theme includes a background. Whenever you apply a new theme, the background is replaced. That’s thanks to the preset background style feature of the app. To learn more about how to use and customize the background style, let’s dig deep into this tutorial.  In...
How to Add a Footer in ActivePresenter 9

How to Add a Footer in ActivePresenter 9

Footer is useful when you want to add some fixed elements like slide number, date, or specific information on every presentation slide. Let’s learn how to add a footer in ActivePresenter 9 through today’s article.  The article covers 3 main parts as follows: Add a...
How to Create a Multiple Choice Quiz in ActivePresenter 9

How to Create a Multiple Choice Quiz in ActivePresenter 9

Given quick assessment and the ability to provide immediate feedback, a multiple choice quiz can be a simple and favored approach to gauge learners’ knowledge. A Multiple Choice quiz consists of numerous multiple choice questions. Each question has two parts: a...
How to Change Slide Background in ActivePresenter 9

How to Change Slide Background in ActivePresenter 9

Slide background has a huge impact on the look and feel of your presentation. In this tutorial, you will learn how to change the slide background in ActivePresenter 9. There are four ways to change the background of slides as follows: Using Background Fill. Using...
How to Add Slide Titles and Numbers in ActivePresenter 9

How to Add Slide Titles and Numbers in ActivePresenter 9

Slide names and numbers help you identify and manage slides more effectively. Let’s learn how to add slide titles and numbers and customize them with ActivePresenter 9. In the previous tutorial, you learned how to create a new project and insert slides into it. In an...
How to Create Doughnut Charts in ActivePresenter 9

How to Create Doughnut Charts in ActivePresenter 9

The Doughnut chart is one of the built-in chart types in ActivePresenter 9. Doughnut charts are meant to compare proportions between categorical data as well as express the “part-to-whole” relationship. You can learn more in today’s tutorial.  As you may already...