10 Examples of Multiple Choice Exam & Application

10 Examples of Multiple Choice Exam & Application

Creating an exam full of multiple-choice examples can be a brain twist from time to time for test givers (and test takers too). Sticking with old-fashioned long walls of text multiple choice questions (MCQs) can cause repetitive tiredness, yet to reduce participants...
Protecting Student Data Privacy in Online Learning Environments

Protecting Student Data Privacy in Online Learning Environments

Online learning comes with its own set of student data privacy issues that are typically reflected in various activities, including peer reviewing, collaborative projects, and sharing of student information.  Online learning is a convenient and effective learning...
How to Make Presentation Interactive? (With Examples)

How to Make Presentation Interactive? (With Examples)

We are living in a distracted world, the media, and smart devices are trying every moment to steal our time. Attention becomes a new “gold” in this day and age. How do you “steal” your audience’s attention with your presentation? Let this blog walk you through 6...
What is an Authoring Tool and Its Must-Have Features

What is an Authoring Tool and Its Must-Have Features

What is an authoring tool? What can it do? How to choose the suitable one? Today’s blog will answer them all. When you first come across or shift your attention towards the eLearning field, or when someone in the education area mentions several unfamiliar words, the...