Best Tips for Learning and Working from Home Productively

Best Tips for Learning and Working from Home Productively

Covid-19 challenges the world than ever. To reduce the spread of the virus, all the activities now are undertaken remotely. So, let’s find out some tips for learning and working from home effectively in this post. Crisis, New Disease, Epidemic, Coronavirus, Difficult...
Top Free Stock Video Sites for Video Editing &  eLearning Design

Top Free Stock Video Sites for Video Editing & eLearning Design

It goes without saying that video is one component that makes your eLearning courses more engaging and successful. Indeed, they can help not only demonstrate the content intuitively but also attract learners’ attention entirely. However, it is not always easy to find...
Create and Use a Custom Word Template

Create and Use a Custom Word Template

ActivePresenter lets you record operation steps on your computer screen and export recorded projects to Word documents to create software operations manuals and training manuals. You can even design a custom Word template, and then use it to export the project. This...