Tutorials & Tips about Screencasting, HTML5 animation creation & Rapid eLearning authoring
We write tutorials, guides and tips about screencasting, video editing, rapid HTML5 elearning authoring and HTML5 animation creation.
5 Ways Web Animations Actually Improve Your User Experience Design
Check out 5 best web animation-concerned practices in user experience design that helps increase a website’s brand reputation, customer loyalty, and sales.
Video in eLearning – a Vital Element of Success
There is one thing that cannot be denied: Video in eLearning is one of the foundational tools which impacts on each course’s success. So, what will we receive when using video in eLearning? Let’s make it clear in today’s blog post.
6 Best Authoring Tools for eLearning
The following list comprises 6 well-known authoring tools for your consideration. Responsive design, built-in templates, complex interactions, qualified publishing options, scalability, and more advanced features can be found in those tools.
[2025 Update] How to Make Instructional Videos with Screen Recording?
Creating a video in general and an instructional video in particular now becomes easier with the all-in-one screen recording, video editing and video exporting ActivePresenter.
The A-Z Steps to Create A Mini Interactive Game with Saola Animate: Catching Birds
Let’s walk through steps from creating animations to adding interactivity in Saola Animate through making a mini interactive game – Catching Birds.
Mobile Learning Trend is a Revolution in Education
Thanks to innovative technology, education on the go has never been more accessible for learners all around the world. So, mobile learning trend is a popular new trend today. Now, let’s take a closer look at mobile learning trend in this post. You will find yourself the reason why mobile learning trend revolutionizes education.
Embedding HTML5 Project Into Webpage
This tutorial is more than about creating things in Saola Animate. It is about the ways to embed Saola Animate HTML5 project into any web page. Learn more!
eLearning Authoring Tools: Key Elements Checklist for Beginners
Obviously, an engaging and interactive eLearning content doesn’t just magically appear. Along with the talents of designers, a support tool is also the key in creating an engaging eLearning course. That’s why eLearning authoring tools come in. Here are essential elements to consider for beginners when choosing eLearning authoring tools.
How to Write Equations Effectively in an eLearning Course
Equation feature makes ActivePresenter more outstanding than so many eLearning authoring tools in the market. This highlight feature helps you to work perfectly with mathematical formulas, even the most difficult one. This article will walk you through how to write equations effectively in Natural Science subjects or eLearning course. Let’s get started right now.