ActivePresenter 9
ActivePresenter provides all the tools you need for multiple eLearning purposes such as creating interactive slide-based courses, software simulations, assessments, educational games, and training videos.
Saola Animate 3
Create HTML5 animations and interactive content which run on any platform and device without coding skills.
Next generation AI-powered presentations with quizzes
featuring real-time collaboration, public share and reporting.
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Screencasting & eLearning
How to Make Presentation Interactive? (With Examples)
We are living in a distracted world, the media, and smart devices are trying every moment to steal our time. Attention becomes a new “gold” in this day and age. How do you “steal” your audience’s attention with your presentation? Let this blog walk you through 6 remarkable ideas.
Flex Model: Definition, Benefits and Limitations
The flex model is a type of blended learning that schools, colleges, and other education organizations can use as an alternative to the traditional one. In this model, online learning is the backbone, but learning activities still happen in the classroom.
Why Authoring Tool, Not PPT? 4 Best PowerPoint Alternative Software?
Why do you need better presentation alternative software than PowerPoint? What are the 4 best PowerPoint alternatives to install on your device? Let’s read this post to know how to level up your presentations by using what’s called authoring tools.
HTML5 Animation
Use Google Fonts in Saola Animate 3
Besides Web safe fonts and System fonts, Google fonts provides you with hundreds of beautiful fonts and are supposed to bring great advantages.
Choose and Animate Colors in Saola Animate 3
Color has tremendous power in storytelling. Choosing and animating colors for an element can help bring it to life and make truthful feelings.
Use Timeline Triggers in Saola Animate 3
Timeline triggers play an important role in building interactive HTML5 content. Let’s explore using timeline triggers in Saola Animate 3.