ASEAN Infographic

ASEAN Infographic

ASEAN Infographic This is a sample made with Saola Animate 3.0 to demonstrate its capability in creating an infographic. You can download the project...
3D Rubik

3D Rubik

3D Rubik This is a sample made with Saola Animate 3.0 to demonstrate its capability in creating a Rubik using 3D transformation tools.  You can download the project...
3D Countdown

3D Countdown

3D Countdown This is a sample made with Saola Animate 3.0 to demonstrate its capability in creating 3D visual effects with Rotate Tool. You can download this project...
Responsive Banner

Responsive Banner

Responsive Banner This is a sample made with Saola Animate 3.0 to demonstrate its capability in creating responsive projects. Four fix-sized banner layouts are designed within one project as below. You can click this link to see how the banner adapts to the screen...
Prevent Covid-19

Prevent Covid-19

Prevent Covid-19 This is a sample made with Saola Animate 3.0 to demonstrate its capability in creating whiteboard animations....