Use Symbols to Reuse Animations in Saola Animate 3

Use Symbols to Reuse Animations in Saola Animate 3

Symbols are reusable resources with independent timelines and interactive capabilities. They allow you to reuse elements, scenes, timelines, and animations. In this tutorial, you will learn steps to create and use symbols in Saola Animate 3. This tutorial covers:...
Use 3D Transformation Tools in Saola Animate 3

Use 3D Transformation Tools in Saola Animate 3

When it comes to 3D transformation in Saola Animate, there are two things that you need to be aware of here. They are 3D properties and 3D tools. The 3D properties help you precisely manipulate elements in 3D space, while the 3D tools offer the intuitive 3D view that...
Best Animation Software for Beginners (Free and Paid)

Best Animation Software for Beginners (Free and Paid)

Nowadays, the rapid development of technology has made animations available to the masses. As a result, there is a diverse range of animation software for beginners and professionals in the market. As a beginner with basic design skills, you probably need to find...
Use External JavaScript, CSS, and HTML in Saola Animate 3

Use External JavaScript, CSS, and HTML in Saola Animate 3

Saola Animate allows you to create and call JavaScript functions. Besides that, it also allows you to use external script resources to create advanced interactivities. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use external script resources in Saola Animate 3, namely...

How to Use Report Slide in ActivePresenter 8

Report Slide lets learners track and review all their interactions, for example, exam results like quizzes’ scores and pass/fail conditions. At the end of the course, you can add a Report Slide if you want to summarize learner performance.  In this tutorial, you...