Saola Animate allows you to create and call JavaScript functions. Besides that, it also allows you to use external script resources to create advanced interactivities. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use external script resources in Saola Animate 3, namely...
Report Slide lets learners track and review all their interactions, for example, exam results like quizzes’ scores and pass/fail conditions. At the end of the course, you can add a Report Slide if you want to summarize learner performance. In this tutorial, you...
Looping an animation makes it repeat again and again. In this tutorial, you will learn how to loop animations by using timeline triggers in Saola Animate 3. This tutorial covers: How to Loop Animations in a SceneHow to Loop a Whole Document Loop Animations in a Scene...
You can create almost all common interactivity with numerous built-in events – actions and triggers in Saola Animate. However, complicated interactivity needs coding skills. In today’s tutorial, you will learn how to create and call JavaScript functions in Saola...
Custom Element is one of the new features offered in Saola Animate 3. It allows you to create your own elements with HTML tags. In this tutorial, you will learn how to: Create Custom ElementsEdit Custom ElementsRename Custom ElementsRemove Custom Elements Create...