Flip card is a kind of e-flashcards, which helps learners quickly recall information, reinforce and test their knowledge in an eLearning course. Learners will be able to click one side of a card to reveal corresponding concepts such as description, images, cues on the...
As you already know, employee training is taking a critical place in the operation and development of a business environment. That’s because the growth of the business is directly linked to the growth of employees. With strong technological advancements, many...
Text to Speech is a handy built-in feature in ActivePresenter that helps you create audio tracks right within the app. Apart from SAPI5-compatible voices installed on your computer, the latest version (8.1) of ActivePresenter now gives you a chance to get more...
ActivePresenter offers two recording modes: Record Video and Record Software Simulation. After recording, you’ll get a video or a slide-based project respectively. Also, the app automatically transfers these recorded projects into the editing screen. From here, you’re...
As you may notice, once finishing the capturing phase, ActivePresenter automatically transfers your recording to the edit screen. Depending on the recording mode (software simulations or video demonstrations), what you’ll see is a screencast (also a recorded video) or...