Are you facing any trouble in creating interactive video quizzes? In this today blog post, you will get to know how to insert a video clip, and embed different types of interactive questions at any point in the video. Thanks to that, when learners watch the video, the...
It goes without saying that video is one component that makes your eLearning courses more engaging and successful. Indeed, they can help not only demonstrate the content intuitively but also attract learners’ attention entirely. However, it is not always easy to find...
The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of human activities including education. It poses serious concerns to education systems such as learning disruptions and decreased access to education facilities. Besides, the pandemic has also facilitated...
Interactive flashcards are an effective method for learning faster and improving the chances of remembering new information. With ActivePresenter, you can easily create multiple interactive flashcards thanks to the Advanced Actions feature. Let’s figure it out in this...
Learning about our solar system is an interesting thing but it’s not always an easy task. A stunning solar system with interactive images will bring your students much more engagement. In the previous posts, you’ve learned how to use ActivePresenter to create...
How to keep track of training courses is a basic question to ask for almost all eLearning designers. Not surprisingly, a simple question comes with a simple answer: to track training courses, all you need is ActivePresenter and a reliable SCORM or xAPI-compliant LMS....