How to Copy, Cut, Duplicate, and Delete Objects in ActivePresenter 9
Objects in ActivePresenter are classified into 2 main categories: annotation objects and interaction objects. In this tutorial, let’s learn how to copy, cut, duplicate, and delete objects in general with ActivePresenter 9.
In a word, you can copy, cut, duplicate, and delete objects within one or many projects. Basically, the procedure is similar to when you copy, cut, duplicate, and delete slides.
This tutorial covers:
Copy Objects
To copy objects from one slide/project to another one, do the following:
Step 1: Select one or more objects.
To select many objects, press and hold CTRL while clicking any objects that you want.
Step 2: Do any of the following to copy objects:
- Press CTRL+C.
- Select Copy in the Home tab.
- Right-click selected objects, then click Copy.

Step 3: Navigate to your desired position. Then, do either of the following to paste objects:
- Press CTRL+V.
- Click Paste in the Toolbar. Then, select Paste (Use Destination Theme) or Paste (Keep Source Formatting). Working with these two Paste options is the same as when you use them for slides. See Copy, Cut, Duplicate, and Delete Slides for more details.
- Right-click selected objects and click Paste or Paste (Keep Source Formatting).
After that, your objects appear in the position you want.
Cut Objects
The Cut command is meant for moving objects to a new location. To cut objects, do the following:
Step 1: Select one or more objects. To select multiple objects, hold down CTRL while clicking them.
Step 2: Perform one of these steps to cut objects:
- Press CTRL+X.
- Click Cut in the Home tab.
- Right-click selected objects, then click Cut.
Step 3: Do the same as when you paste objects after copying them (step 3 above).
Note: To copy/cut objects in a project and paste them into another, just open these projects simultaneously. Then, follow the same steps as mentioned above.
Duplicate Objects
Duplicating objects helps you add the same new objects instantly to your slide. To duplicate objects, do the following:
Step 1: Select one or more objects.
Step 2: Do any of the following to duplicate objects:
- Press CTRL+D.
- Click Duplicate in the Home tab.
- Right-click selected objects, then click Duplicate.
After that, the duplicated objects appear next to the original ones.
Apply Formatting Styles
You can quickly apply the formatting style (fill, line, shadow, opacity, and text style) of an object to one or more objects of the same or different types in the same project or across projects. Do as follows:
Step 1: Select an object that has the formatting style you want to copy.
Step 2: Click the Format Painter command in the Home tab. After that, the mouse cursor will appear with a paint roller.
Step 3: Click on any object you want to apply the copied style. If you want to apply to multiple objects, simply hold down ALT while selecting the desired objects.
Note: The Format Painter options affect existing objects only. It has nothing to do with objects that haven’t been inserted yet. If you want the newly added objects to use the same style as those existing ones, you must use Object Settings.
Delete Objects
If you don’t want an object anymore, do one of the following to remove them:
- Select objects, then press DELETE on the keyboard.
- Right-click objects and select Delete from the context menu.
That’s all about how to copy, cut, paste, duplicate, and delete objects in ActivePresenter 9. Reduce your working hours by taking use of them.
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