How to Insert Time to Videos in ActivePresenter 8

How to Insert Time to Videos in ActivePresenter 8

Concerning editing videos, the insert time feature helps you a lot. You can use it for not only inserted videos but also your captured ones such as video demonstration, video simulation. For example, when the video scene is over and you need more time to explain a...
How to Change Audio Volume in ActivePresenter 8

How to Change Audio Volume in ActivePresenter 8

As you may know, sound always plays a prominent role in terms of representing the content of a video and engaging audiences. Have you ever watched a video in which the background audio is too loud to hear the voice-over? Do you know how to adjust the volume so that...
How to Change Video Speed in ActivePresenter 8

How to Change Video Speed in ActivePresenter 8

When it comes to editing videos, changing video speed is an effective tool, obviously. For example, you might have a long video scene or some parts which contain not much important information such as writing a text, repeating some steps, changing the appearance of...
How to Split and Join Audio/Video in ActivePresenter 8

How to Split and Join Audio/Video in ActivePresenter 8

As said earlier, ActivePresenter 8 has many functionalities for video editing, ranging from basic to advanced. And in the previous post, you’ve learned about four basic audio and video editing tools. So, in this tutorial, we will quickly walk you through how to split...