Work with Scoring System in ActivePresenter 8
Do you have any trouble grading interactive quizzes? If any difficulties arise, no worries! This tutorial will help you to resolve it. It will provide you with useful information about the scoring system in ActivePresenter 8. Thanks to that, you can grade quizzes efficiently and flexibly.
This tutorial covers:
- Overview of Quizzes’ Scoring System in ActivePresenter 8
- How to Work with Partial Score in Different Question Types
Overview of Quizzes’ Scoring System in ActivePresenter 8
As you may know, ActivePresenter allows you to set points for each question. Besides, you can assign points to each answer option of a question separately.
By default, the Graded mode is selected for nearly all question types (except for Essay and Rating Scale questions). It helps evaluate the learner’s answer, then gives scores if they answer correctly. In case you just want to collect the learner’s feedback or information, let’s turn the Survey mode on (Properties pane > Interactivity tab > Score & Reporting section > Survey).
Now, you will learn two ways to set scores for a question with the Graded mode.
Assign Points to a Question
You can assign points to a question. Just enter a number in the Points combo box or select a value from the Points drop-down list. By this way, learners will win that predefined point if they can completely answer the question correctly. Of course, there are no points given unless all correct answer options are selected.
As you can see, this score setting can be frustrating for learners in some cases. Let’s think about a Fill in Blanks question with 10 blanks. Assume that learners give answers to 8 blanks correctly. And unfortunately, they make mistakes with only 2 blanks. At that time, the 8 correct values become meaningless. Their answer is still counted as incorrect and they get no points. In this case, you can assign points to each correct value of the question. Thanks to that, learners can get scores depending on the number of correct values they select. If each correct value is assigned to 1 point, using this way helps learners get 8 points instead of 0. Let’s learn how to do that in the next sections.
Assign Points to Each Answer Option of a Question
To assign points to each answer option, select Partial from the Points drop-down list:
By doing so, you enable the partial score feature. The partial score is the predefined points given for each selected answer option. With this feature, you can award points to learners when they select correct values. In addition, you can also penalize wrong selected options to discourage them from guessing the answers randomly.
In details, the quiz author can use this feature to give:
- Positive scores for correct values: Positive scores are rewarded points for correct values. Like the example above, learners can still get scores for the 8 correct values, instead of zero points.
- Negative scores for incorrect values: Negative or minus scores are penalty points for incorrect options. Note that you can set negative scores for incorrect options of the Multiple Choice question only.The negative scores help to prevent learners from luckily selecting the correct answer without proving real understanding.
How to Work with Partial Score in Different Question Types
In the previous part, you’ve learned about the scoring system’s overview. Now, let’s keep reading to know more about the partial score feature.
In ActivePresenter 8, the partial score feature is available in:
- Multiple Choice Questions
- Multiple Response Questions
- Fill in Text Entry Questions
- Essay Questions
- Fill in Text Entries Questions
- Fill in Blanks Questions
- Drag-n-Drop Questions
- Hotspot Questions
Let’s see how you can set up partial scores for each of them.
1. Multiple Choice, Multiple Response and Hotspot Questions
To set partial scores for these questions, do as follows:
- Enable the partial score feature.
- Select each answer option (in case of Multiple Choice/ Multiple Response questions) or hotspot (in case of Hotspot questions).
- In the Properties pane > Score & Reporting section > Points > select a number from the Points drop-down list or manually type a number into the box. The number can be positive or negative (in case of Multiple Choice questions):
Although the way to set partial scores for these three question types is the same, how ActivePresenter calculates the total score of each question type is quite different.
Multiple Choice Questions
The score of the Multiple Choice question is the score of the selected answer option.
For example, you set 2 and -2 for each correct and incorrect answer option respectively. If learners select any incorrect option, -2 is the points they get.
Multiple Response Questions
As its name implies, this question type has multiple correct answer options. Therefore, if the selected options include any incorrect ones, learners will get no points. In case all selected answer options are correct ones, the total points they can get is the score of all selected correct options.
Hotspot Questions
The Hotspot question requires learners to identify one or more spots on an image as correct answers. If the Multiple Response checkbox (Properties pane > Interactivity tab > General section > Multiple Response) is selected, the way ActivePresenter calculates the total score is the same as that for Multiple Response questions. Learners will get no score if they define any spot wrongly. In case all selected spots are correct ones, the total points is the score of all correct hotspots.
If the Multiple Response checkbox is unchecked, the score of a Hotspot question is the score of the selected correct hotspot.
Take a look at this example:
This Hotspot question requires learners to define 5 differences between two pictures. The correct hotspots are the 5 green hotspots in the picture. With the Multiple Response checkbox selected, if learners define any spot beyond 5 green spots in the picture, they will get no score.
By contrast, if the Multiple Response checkbox is unchecked, the score learners get is the score of the selected correct hotspot.
Note that if learners cannot select all correct answer options/hotspots of these questions, the question is counted as incorrect in the report slide (although they still can get points for the selected correct options):
2. Fill in Text Entry and Essay Questions
Fill in Text Entry and Essay questions look nearly similar to each other. Instead of selecting available answer option(s) like Multiple Choice or Multiple Response questions, learners need to type their answers manually. There is a small difference between these two questions. A Fill in Text Entry question contains a one-line text box. Meanwhile, an Essay question contains a multiple-line text box. For Essay questions, it’s hard for learners to give the correct answer that can exactly match the predefined answer given by the quiz author. That’s why the Survey mode is set by default. You can still switch to the Graded mode to set scores if you want.
In these two question types, the partial score feature works similarly. To make the partial score work, you need to set more than one correct value for the text box. Follow the steps below:
- Enable the partial score feature.
- In the Properties pane > Interactivity tab > General section > click the Add Value button > type the correct value into the box:
- Click the Add Value button to add as many correct values as you want.
- Adjust the score for each correct value in the score boxes, which appear next to the correct value boxes. By default, the score for each correct value is equal to 1.
The highest score you define for one correct value is the max score of these question types.
3. Fill in Text Entries and Fill in Blanks Questions
Fill in Text Entries and Fill in Blanks questions share some similarities. To set partial scores for these questions, first, let’s enable this feature. Then, select each text entry/blank > navigate to the Properties pane > Score & Reporting section > Points > select a number from the drop-down list or manually type a number into the box.
Note: If Fill in Text Entry and Essay questions allow you to assign points for each correct value, you can only set partial scores for each text entry or each blank (not each correct value) for Fill in Text Entries and Fill in Blanks questions:
The max score of these question types is defined by the number of text entries/blanks.
4. Drag-n-Drop Questions
Drag-n-Drop questions are created by pairs of drag sources and drop targets. You can set scores for each correct pair.
To set partial scores for Drag-n-Drop questions, do the following:
- Enable the partial score feature.
- Select one drop target > Interactivity tab of the Properties pane > Drag-n-Drop section > click
to open the Accept List dialog:
The Points column shows how many points learners can get for each correct matching. You can adjust this value as you want.
- Click OK to save the changes and finish.
For the Drag-n-Drop question, how many correct pairs are, how much the max score is.
That’s all about the scoring system and how to work with it in ActivePresenter 8. If you need any assistance, feel free to contact us.
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