Using Variables 04: Do Math with Number Variables

This tutorial belongs to the Using Variables series. You’ll learn to perform basic calculations using number variables and actions. What we’re going to build? In this simple example, you’ll build a monthly budget calculator which calculates monthly income,...

Using Variables 03: Count the Number of Clicks

Number variables are great solution to capture and track numeric values. This tutorial shows you how to use number variables to count the number of incorrect clicks on a screen. This is useful when you want to keep a record of the total clicks taken to reach the...

Using Variables 02: Display Username with Text Variables

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use text variables to capture learner names and display those names throughout the course. It’s a great way to make the training more personal and boost learner engagement. Step 1: Insert a text box The first thing you need to do...

Using Variables 01: Control the Next Button

How to control the Next button is a forever question for almost all eLearning designers. This question can be resolved by a number of options, of which using true/false variables is a good practice. Let’s find out how! You want learners to advance to the next slide...

Adding and Using Variables in eLearning

Variables are a great way to store and retrieve dynamic information. They are also useful in creating conditional actions to make your course more interactive and personalized. In this article, you’ll learn how to add variables and work with them in eLearning courses....