Set Background Fill Styles in Saola Animate 3

Set Background Fill Styles in Saola Animate 3

Saola Animate 3 offers background fill styles to modify the background of a scene or an element. In a word, you can fill in a scene or an element with colors or images, or even make it transparent.  Basically, there are four background fill styles that you can...
Use Events – Actions in Saola Animate 3

Use Events – Actions in Saola Animate 3

Saola Animate is known as an amazing software to create web animations and interactive HTML5 content. It allows you to animate anything under an intuitive editor without the necessity for coding skills. Especially, you can create engaging HTML5 content by using...
Use Timeline Triggers in Saola Animate 3

Use Timeline Triggers in Saola Animate 3

Besides Events –  Actions, Timeline triggers play an important role in building interactive HTML5 content. They fire automatically on the timeline, without user control. You can add many triggers along the timeline to execute different actions. Now, let’s...