Tips to Create an Amazing eLearning Course Content

Tips to Create an Amazing eLearning Course Content

Have you ever wondered why some eLearning courses are very popular? Why are some more engaging than others? In this article, I will show you a SMART tip, which helps to create an amazing content for your eLearning course and grab learners’ attention. So, hands up if...
Using Audio Normalization in ActivePresenter

Using Audio Normalization in ActivePresenter

Suppose you have a group of audio objects at different volumes and you want to make them all play at the same volume level. You can easily deal with this issue by using Audio Normalization feature in ActivePresenter 7. Basically, Audio Normalization applies constant...

Using Feedback Layers

Besides Slide Masters, Feedback Masters are now ready for use in ActivePresenter 7. In general, Feedback Masters enable you to create Feedback Layers which provide users with useful feedbacks after they submit their answers. With this feature, you can easily show and...

Working with Animated Timer

Overall, ActivePresenter 7.5 offers you new features and enhancements for eLearning design. One of these amazing features is Animated Timer which enhances the user experience of eLearning task. What is Animated Timer? Basically, Animated Timer is a time-counter which...