Create Letter Arrangement Game in ActivePresenter 8

Create Letter Arrangement Game in ActivePresenter 8

The Letter Arrangement game is a type of word scramble game. In which, players are required to rearrange mixed letters into the right order to pass the game. This game is very useful to learn words or spelling.   If you are a foreign language teacher, the...
Desktop Vs. Cloud-based Authoring Tools: An Inclusive Comparison

Desktop Vs. Cloud-based Authoring Tools: An Inclusive Comparison

When it comes to course design, an authoring tool can be an indispensable companion. Depending on the way of being hosted, there are desktop vs cloud-based authoring tools. Let’s find out their pros and cons as well as comparisons between them! eLearning authoring...
Pros and Cons of Online Learning for Teachers and Students

Pros and Cons of Online Learning for Teachers and Students

Online learning seems to be the most common phrase currently referred to in education. This article will let you know 8 pros and cons of online learning for teachers as well as students. Globally, the COVID-19 crisis has had a profound impact on the economy and...
What is a Screen Reader and How does it Work?

What is a Screen Reader and How does it Work?

Let’s explore what is a screen reader and how does it work. As a bonus, there will be some tips to optimize eLearning courses in ActivePresenter. Thanks to that, learners of different abilities can get the most out of them.   Image from Pixabay This blog post will...
5 Best Video Editing Apps for Beginners

5 Best Video Editing Apps for Beginners

You are a newbie looking for the best video editing apps for beginners? Check out this blog to know more about the best ones available on the market.   Video editing involves processing and rearranging video clips in order to make a movie. This is to make sure...
How to Create Vocabulary Games with ActivePresenter 8

How to Create Vocabulary Games with ActivePresenter 8

It can be said that vocabulary is the fundamental element of all languages and helps develop other language skills. Using vocabulary games not only helps students to better retain new words but also allows them to practice vocabulary in a fun way. According to David...