Many teachers prefer Multiple Choice questions to others such as Fill in Blank and True/False. It is mainly because this eLearning question has the high reliability, validity, and manageability. In this today tutorial, let’s learn how to create Multiple Choice...
When it comes to recording, ActivePresenter allows you record screen and voice easily. That is, you can record both simultaneously during the capture phase. Alternatively, add closed caption, and then insert narration (also voice-over) during the edit phase. You can...
With ActivePresenter, it’s easy to brand your training course with a logo. This tutorial shows you 2 ways to add company logos to your training content. The first one is using Slide Master and the second one is using the Show over Multiple Slide option. Let’s...
As you may know, ActivePresenter allows exporting projects to many output formats, including HTML5, videos, and PowerPoint slides, etc. This tutorial will guide you how to export to PowerPoint presentation. In general, you can use this feature to convert an...
You are designing an eLearning course? You are finding the way to create a question, which allows learners to choose many correct answers, in the fastest and the most efficient way? Simply, a Multiple Response question in ActivePresenter 7 is all your need. In this...
To make you work easier, ActivePresenter provides two snap modes: canvas snapping and timeline snapping. These snap modes help you organize objects on the Canvas and the timeline. Let’s learn about them. Canvas Snapping ActivePresenter has a snap mode for the Canvas...