How to Create Multiple Response Questions in ActivePresenter 9
The Multiple Response question is also a popular question type in creating tests. So, in this article, you will learn how to create this question type in ActivePresenter 9.
A Multiple Response question has a quite same format with a Multiple Choice one. Both of them are widely used to test learners’ understanding of a certain field or check their ability to recall information. However, a Multiple Response question accepts more than one correct answer.

In ActivePresenter 9, you can see Multiple Response is at the third question type in the Questions tab.

This tutorial goes through 6 main stages to create this question type:
- Insert a Multiple Response Question
- Customize a Multiple Response Question
- Set Correct Answers
- Set Score and Reporting
- Add Events – Actions
- Customize Feedback Layers
Let’s start right now!
Insert a Multiple Response Question
To insert a Multiple Response question, do either of the following:
- Open the Questions tab > Multiple Response
- Open the Home tab > Interactions > Multiple Response
Then, a new question slide inserted into your project as in the below image:
As you can see, the question slide has three parts:
- (1) the top text box to add the question title;
- (2) the answer area with four default answer options;
- (3) and the Submit button.
Customize a Multiple Response Question
You can customize this question type like others in ActivePresenter 9.
In detail, you can:
- Change the container layout: Access the Properties pane > Size & Properties > Container Layout > select one layout mode:
- None: This option allows you to resize and reposition answer options freely.
- Flex: This layout arranges answer options horizontally or vertically in a flex container.
- Grid: This option is selected by default. It arranges answer options in the grid pattern.
After that, customize its properties if necessary.
- Resize the question title (1) and the answer area (2): Drag the resizing handles on the Canvas, or select them > Properties pane > Size & Properties > Transform > adjust the Width and Height values.
- Insert more answer options: Select the answer area (2) and click the plus button:
- Delete answer options: Select one or more answer options and press DELETE on your keyboard, or right-click them > Delete.
- Change shape of answer options: Select them > Format tab > Change Shape > choose your desired shape:
For example, change them from rectangle to hexagon:
- Hide/Show toggle button: Click the Show Toggle Button option to hide/show them.
- Edit toggle buttons: Each answer option comes with a checkbox. Freely format them by selecting a built-in style in the Checkbox Styles gallery or editing it using Checkbox Tools.
- Change answer options’ style: Quickly format answer options by selecting a built-in style in Quick Style gallery or customize using Style Tools.
- Add/Edit text of answer options: Click the default text and enter your own text. Then, you can customize their font, font size, etc. in the Home tab or inline text editor.
Tip: If you want to save these settings and reuse later, right-click the answer area > select Set as Default Multiple Response Question. Thanks to that, the customized question will be the default one each time you add a new Multiple Response question slide.
Set Correct Answers for Multiple Response Questions
To set correct answers to the question, double-click the corresponding checkboxes. Alternatively, right-click each correct answer option > Set As Correct.
Set Score and Reporting
To set score and reporting for this question type, select the answer area, then navigate to the Properties pane > Interactivity > Score & Reporting.
This section provides a lot of useful options to customize as follows:
- (4) measure learners’ performance (select the Graded mode) or collect learners’ feedback or information (select the Survey mode);
- (5) track learners results;
- (6) mix up answer options each time learners access the question;
- (7) set points for correct answers;
- (8) set the maximum attempts that learners can interact with the question;
- (9) set a time limit that requires learners to respond to the question in this amount of time.
For more details, see How to Create Interactive Quizzes.
Add Events and Actions
Similar to other question types, Multiple Response also has events – actions added by default. Particularly, it has 4 default events for the Graded mode (On Correct, On Incorrect, On Incomplete, and On Timeout) and 3 for the Survey mode (On Complete, On Incomplete, and On Timeout).
However, you are free to add more, edit or delete any events – actions the way you want. To do that, select the answer area > navigate to the Properties pane > Interactivity > Events – Actions.
To learn more, see Use Events – Actions to Add Interactivity to Courses.
Customize Feedback Layers
ActivePresenter 9 also automatically adds default feedback layers for Multiple Response questions. These default feedback layers can be Correct Feedback, Incorrect Feedback, Try Again Feedback, Incomplete Feedback, and Timeout Feedback (for the Graded mode) or Complete Feedback, Incomplete Feedback, and Timeout Feedback (for the Survey mode). See the image above for details.
Besides, bear in mind that you can delete, change, or add more feedback layers if necessary.
See Work with Feedback Layers for details.
So, you’ve just learned how to create Multiple Response questions in ActivePresenter 9. Download the app right now, then start creating fun quizzes.
Besides, follow our Tutorials page and YouTube channel for more helpful articles and videos about using this app.
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